Welcome to the Party Animals:
Birthday Parties for 4+ Year Old Girls!

Other Party Animals Party Suggestions:

Party Animals Birthday Parties
for 1-3 Year Old Boys and Girls 4+ Year Old Boys 4+ Year Old Girls

4+ Year Old Girls

1 Hour Parties: $125 + travel

Ms Magic

She'll make your day Magical !!

Annie the Rag Doll

That Lovable Mop-Head Brings Fun and Games!!

Arabian Princess

A magic visitor straight from the ancient Arabia !!

Beautiful Princess

That Beauty from the Story Book Comes to Life Right Before the Birthday Girls Eyes!!


You don't need a wizard to have fun and magic !!

Genii of the Lamp

He's crazy, he's magical and he's blue !!

Party Doll

Live the life of a fashion model!!

Island Princess

Say "aloha" to island fun and magic !!

Jack in the Box

He's full of Surprises and Magic too!!

Clownin' araound

The Brightly Colored Bundle of Surprises and Fun!!

For The Older Girls
1 Hour Parties: $140 + Travel

Make Your Own Magic Workshop

1 Hour presentation teaching how to do magic with items found around the house. Each child bringing a deck of cards will learn 3+ card tricks to amaze their friends. Includes all materials except decks of cards.

Game Day

1 Hour of fun interactive games, including limbo, macarena, our giant(16’x15’)twister board and much much more! Trinket prizes included!

Clown Camp

1 Hour class on the art of clowning includes scarf juggling, balloon animals, a take home clown skit, and silly clown magic.

Other Things: Each with operator for 1 Hour
$90 + Travel

*Air-brush Face-painting

Our Brand new fast Pace system that can paint up to 80-100 designs per hour!!!!

*Sand art

1 Sand Creations per child

*Balloon Artist

1 Balloon creation per child

*Spin-art Spinning cards and Dripping paint! Let your artist come out!

Party Animals
for 1-3 Year Old Boys and Girls 4+ Year Old Boys 4+ Year Old Girls

©2006 Party Animals,
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